Competition Rules

  1. All games must be played by the designated date
  2. For singles matches, the challenger must provide a marker. 
  3. The first named person in each tie (challenger) is responsible for contacting their opponent and providing three dates for the opponent to select their preference although the best way of arranging a date is for both players to try to contact each other and agree a suitable date.
  4. If the match is not played by the designated date;
    • the challenger progresses to the next round if they have provided three dates to the opponent and the opponent has either not accepted any of them or cannot be contacted, or
    • the opponent progresses to the next round if the challenger has not provided the opponent with three dates or has not been contacted by the challenger.

Competitions and Format

Mens Singles  Bill Waldon Cup 21 points  
Ladies Singles Eve Waldon Trophy 21 points 
Mixed Singles Susan Cup 21 points 
Open Singles Dons Trophy 21 points 
Mixed Pairs Marjorie Bowls 18 ends 
Two Wood Mercer Trophy  18 ends, 2 woods 
Yardstick Anniversary Cup 18 ends, 3 woodsAny wood within 1 yard = 1 point 
101 Eric Fouracres Cup 101 points, 4 woodsNearest the jack = 4 points, 2nd=3 points, 3rd=2 points, 4th=1 point
Memorial Cup June Palmer Trophy   
Charity Triples Toms Trophy