The latest version of the Laws of the game is available here

Guidance on some unknown laws or misconceptions

Removing chalk marks from touchers

15.5 If a player fails to remove a mark from a bowl before delivery and that bowl does not become a toucher, a member of the opposing team or the marker must remove the mark as soon as the bowl comes to rest.

Minimum jack distance

10.1.3 The jack has been improperly delivered if it comes to rest at a distance of less than 23 metres from the mat line (front edge of the mat), as measured in a straight line from the centre of the mat line to the nearest point of the jack, after the jack has been centred;

Maximum jack distance

9.2 If the jack in its original course comes to rest less than 2 metres from the front ditch, it must be placed on the centre line of the rink with the nearest point of the jack to the mat line being 2 metres from the front ditch. This must be done by:

9.2.2 placing the jack alongside the edge of a 2-metre measuring device (for example, a thin wooden batten which is 2 metres long - see diagram B.3.2 in appendix B.3)

Front ditch                              Diagram to be added
2 metres
Nearest portion of
the jack to the mat
device such as a
wooden batten

Minimum jack distance

Minimum bowl distance 

17.1.3 Dead bowl - after completing its original course or after being moved as a result of play, it comes to rest at a distance of less than 14 metres, as measured in a straight line, from the centre of the mat line to the nearest point of the bowl.

Bowl Striking another Bowl at Rest on Adjacent Rink

37.3 Bowl displacement by a neutral person or neutral object
37.3.1 Displacement of a bowl in its original course that has not disturbed the head before it is displaced If the bowl, running on a bias that would have brought it back into the rink, is displaced outside the boundaries of the rink by a neutral person or neutral object and it has not disturbed the head after it is displaced, the bowl must be replayed.

Local Rules Clarification 

101 matches - two bowls equi-distant from the jack